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their stories

Hi again!  It's me, Jenna!

With almost 12 years in business I sure do have a lot of stories to share! I hope that I can spread some joy and inspiration with the following posts. I have so much fun writing them! Please explore by choosing a category or just by scrolling through!


July 31, 2018

Alexandra + Kennedy // Wetland Barn Reserve Wedding, Lancaster, Ohio

The thing about spring weddings is you never really know what kind of weather you’re going to get. Two weeks prior to Alex & Kennedy’s wedding it was still snowing. The week before the wedding we were supposed to have clear skies, the next day it was predicted to be stormy, three days before it was back to sunshine. Needless to say, it sprinkled pretty much all day long the day of. The plan was to push through the light rain and keep the ceremony outdoors, however, 15 minutes before these two had to walk down the aisle – it started to POUR.

Family and friends rushed around stacking, unstacking, wiping down, and lining up chairs underneath the dance floor tent just minutes before our brides were scheduled to walk down the aisle.  Both Alex and Kennedy were a bundle of nerves until they saw each other for the first time. You could see it all over their faces as soon as they locked eyes. And while it may have been a torrential downpour outside of the tent everything was perfect underneath it. The ceremony went off without a hitch and included lots of giggles and tears from both the Brides and all of their guests.

No matter how the weather is on your wedding day don’t let it distract you from what you’re really there for. It always turns out beautifully at the end of the day. Although you may go home with a very muddy wedding dress 😉

Venue: Wetland Barn Reserve // Alex’s dress: David’s Bridal // Kennedy’s dress: David’s Bridal // Catering: Chile Verde // Florist: Petals & Leaves // Bridesmaids attire: David’s Bridal // Bridesmen attire: Macys

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